Gastronomy, Entertainment
If your business is in the area of recurring services, your clients will love the idea that they can accumulate points with each visit.
Set up your rules: Spend X, Get Y; Schedule 1 appointment and get X for free; With irresistible prizes they will accumulate Points; There are many options.
Successful Sectors:
- Carwash
- Repair / Workshops
- Cleaning / Fumigation
- Pool Maintenance
- Copy Service
We will create rewards and gift cards, depending on your market niche, the system is very versatile and adapts to any product or service.
Set up your rules: Spend X, Get Y; Buy 1 Get X Free; With irresistible prizes they will accumulate Points; There are many options.
Successful Sectors:
- Food Trucks
- Cafeterias
- Nightclubs
- Stand Up Comedy
- Restaurants
Health / Wellness
Now more than ever people seek health and well-being, and we know that competition is always present, take advantage of your loyalty system to differentiate yourself and give your customers reasons to return.
Set up your rules:
Spend X, get Y; Schedule 1 appointment and get X for free; With irresistible prizes they will accumulate Points; There are many options.
Successful Sectors:
- Hairdressers / Barbers
- Chiropractor
- Veterinarians
- Massages
- Sports
Market behavior facts show that members of a loyalty points program spend up to 2X more per visit compared to an unregistered customer.
It is no secret to anyone that loyalty systems are very effective, and QR codes are here to stay.
They can definitely transform your business.
Other Successful
- Florist
- Laundry
- Library
- Equipment Rental
- Hardware store